Enter the Epic Garden Giveaway!

Anounching Born to Grow’s first ever Epic Garden Giveaway! The prize: our full 12 module online organic gardening university course. Click the button below to enter now (hurry… deadline is Wed. 10-23-13 at noon!) Feature Photo Credit: By asenat29 via Flicker (http://www.flickr.com/photos/72153088@N08/6510934443/sizes/z/in/photostream/) under Creative Commons License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/)

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Entering the Garden Bloggers Hall of Fame

Hey friends, I just returned last week from the first ever garden bloggers conference down in Atlanta where we had a couple days packed full with great garden blogging info. But, I’ll have to say the highlight for me was to be able to connect with some of the other leaders in the online gardening…

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