Have You Fallen for This Lie About Watering?

Ok, little DISCLAIMER here: watering in the morning may be the best option even in the summer for the sake of your plants (to give them some moisture through the heat of the day) especially if you are in an area that is hot and dry even at night, or if you are dealing with…

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Food that Saves You Money: Shortlist of Vegetables for Your Urban Garden

Tell me what food you grow in your backyard and please go over and like my facebook page (it’s a great way to stay connected).

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The Ultimate Food for Your Garden: What the Fertilizer Companies Won’t Tell You

Tell me what kind of “foods” you like to use to build up your soil and please go over and like my facebook page (it’s a great way to stay connected).

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Cucumbers, Melons, and the Myth About Cross-Pollination

Let me know what you think and please go over and like my facebook page (it’s a great way to stay connected).

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How to Solve the Bug Problem: A Little-Known Perspective That Could Revolutionize Your Garden

Let’s face it – most if not all of us have problems with bugs in the garden. Watch this video to find out a little-known perspective to bug control that could literally revolutionize your gardening experience. If you haven’t checked it out already make sure to go over and like my facebook page (it’s a…

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New Gardening Questions Video Series

Introducing my new video series covering the best gardening questions I can find… CLICK HERE to go over and leave your question on my Facebook page (it’s also a great way to stay connected).

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