How to Grow Tomatoes and Peppers in a 5 Gallon Bucket

Interested in growing tomatoes or peppers in your backyard or on your porch? Then you’re gonna love this… Here’s how to grow your own tomatoes for cheap in a 5 gallon bucket. In fact, the Urban Organic Gardener put together a fantastic step-by-step guide that will walk you through each step of the way. Click…

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7 Ways to Grow Potatoes – Some Might Surprise You

I just came across this excellent article on Rodale’s Organic Life where Doug Hall tested out seven different (and often creative) ways to grow potatoes. He really had quite the test plot. Imagine growing potatoes in all these different ways and then comparing the pros and cons of each: Hilled Rows Straw Mulch Raised Bed…

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Enter the Epic Garden Giveaway!

Anounching Born to Grow’s first ever Epic Garden Giveaway! The prize: our full 12 module online organic gardening university course. Click the button below to enter now (hurry… deadline is Wed. 10-23-13 at noon!) Feature Photo Credit: By asenat29 via Flicker ( under Creative Commons License (

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Lettuce, Endive, Garden Blogs, And My [Almost] Embarrassing Moment

I plunge little green plants with delicate leaves into the soft earth with my trowel. I can almost do it vacuum like style, pulling the dirt aside while simultaneously thrusting the little soil blocks into the vacant space left over. It happens so fast you can hardly see it – almost like the earth is…

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Cucumbers, Melons, and the Myth About Cross-Pollination

Let me know what you think and please go over and like my facebook page (it’s a great way to stay connected).

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New Gardening Questions Video Series

Introducing my new video series covering the best gardening questions I can find… CLICK HERE to go over and leave your question on my Facebook page (it’s also a great way to stay connected).

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