So, one way to test a healthy soil is to see how many worms and bugs you can find in a square foot of it. And the other day I decided to do just that. It was getting later in the day and the sun was going down but on a whim I grabbed a…
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Paul11 Comments
Gary Ibsen, founder of TomatoFest® Heirloom Tomato Seeds, author of The Great Tomato Book, and grower of more than 600 varieties of certified organic, heirloom tomatoes, announces the “Top 10” favorite heirloom tomatoes for 2014: Black Cherry (purple/black) Brandywine, Sudduth Strain (pink beefsteak) Chocolate Stripes (red/green striped) Blondkopfchen (yellow cherry) Black Krim (purple/black beefsteak)…
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Paul5 Comments
Anounching Born to Grow’s first ever Epic Garden Giveaway! The prize: our full 12 module online organic gardening university course. Click the button below to enter now (hurry… deadline is Wed. 10-23-13 at noon!) Feature Photo Credit: By asenat29 via Flicker ( under Creative Commons License (
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Paul4 Comments
Hey friends, I just returned last week from the first ever garden bloggers conference down in Atlanta where we had a couple days packed full with great garden blogging info. But, I’ll have to say the highlight for me was to be able to connect with some of the other leaders in the online gardening…
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Paul12 Comments
Ok, little DISCLAIMER here: watering in the morning may be the best option even in the summer for the sake of your plants (to give them some moisture through the heat of the day) especially if you are in an area that is hot and dry even at night, or if you are dealing with…
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Paul13 Comments
I plunge little green plants with delicate leaves into the soft earth with my trowel. I can almost do it vacuum like style, pulling the dirt aside while simultaneously thrusting the little soil blocks into the vacant space left over. It happens so fast you can hardly see it – almost like the earth is…
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Paul8 Comments
“Ding ding…” my friend’s text get’s pushed onto my phone. I reach over and read: “Check this kid out!

11 year old kid that Monsanto doesn’t want you to see” Hmmm… interesting… I touch the link and five minutes later I’m smiling all over.

Don’t just take my word for it – check…
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Paul10 Comments
Tell me what food you grow in your backyard and please go over and like my facebook page (it’s a great way to stay connected).
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Paul12 Comments
Tell me what kind of “foods” you like to use to build up your soil and please go over and like my facebook page (it’s a great way to stay connected).
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Paul5 Comments
Let me know what you think and please go over and like my facebook page (it’s a great way to stay connected).
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Paul44 Comments