Having trouble with insects in your garden? You’re not alone. It’s a big question that comes up in the organic gardening circles. What do I do with ______?! comes the mournful cry… Well, before we get into making an insect spray – there’s a few things of importance to note. 1. Pests are a symptom…
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Paul8 Comments
Interested in growing tomatoes or peppers in your backyard or on your porch? Then you’re gonna love this… Here’s how to grow your own tomatoes for cheap in a 5 gallon bucket. In fact, the Urban Organic Gardener put together a fantastic step-by-step guide that will walk you through each step of the way. Click…
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Paul3 Comments
Ok ok… so I can’t make any promises. But this is a pretty compelling little story of what can happen when you switch to organic food. So, would you like to know how much of an impact eating organic can have on your health? This powerful little video says a lot… A family who normally…
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Paul14 Comments
Imagine having all the info you would like about growing, drying, cooking, and even making herbal remedies all in one place… Well that’s exactly what Mother Earth News has done with their amazing directory of culinary and medicinal herbs. Ok… so I can’t promise it has everything you’re looking for, but it sure is an…
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Paul5 Comments
I just came across this excellent article on Rodale’s Organic Life where Doug Hall tested out seven different (and often creative) ways to grow potatoes. He really had quite the test plot. Imagine growing potatoes in all these different ways and then comparing the pros and cons of each: Hilled Rows Straw Mulch Raised Bed…
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Paul15 Comments
Wow! I’ve recently been thinking about growing food in small spaces and I think you’ll love this. It’s a short video on how this family grows 6,000 lbs of food on 1/10th of an acre! Incredible! Watch it here: How would you like to turn your little home into something similar? Sounds cool doesn’t it?…
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Paul12 Comments
I dread going to town. I’m not a fan of the busy streets. I’m not a fan of the stores (mind boggling…). And I’m not really a fan of how it sucks up my time. Have you ever noticed that? Going to town is almost like letting a vacuum hose into your life. It sucks…
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Paul28 Comments
Urban gardening isn’t always easy, especially since space is often hard to come by. For those of us with less space than we’d like, it’s important to be smart when organizing your garden so we can get as much out of it as possible. I’ve learned some tricks, from experience and from friends, about how…
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Paul19 Comments
When it comes to growing inside, space is key. And that’s why growing vertically can make so much sense. I mean, who really wants to cover their whole floor with veggies if you can start growing them vertically. Sounds funny… but it can work.

And here’s what very well could be the next best…
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Paul17 Comments
There really isn’t anything quite like walking outside on a brisk winter day and picking a fresh salad that is vibrant with color and that has the aroma of spring. I mean really, if you haven’t experienced as much yet – it’s worth doing. Of course there are all kinds of ways that you can…
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Paul3 Comments