DISCLAIMER: While the stories I have shared are true, here is a fair warning that I cannot promise that you will experience the same results or even similar results in your garden. True results will depend on many factors including but not limited to the amount of energy and time you are willing to invest in making your garden a success along with the blessing of God. That being said, I have always heard positive feedback from those who have tried planting with this method.

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  • keisha

    Reply Reply March 24, 2016

    Hi Paul, Just curious how did the trial of the tomatoes go? I’m considering doing the same thing and would love to know your results.

    • Paul

      Reply Reply March 25, 2016

      Hi Keisha – great question! Here’s the short answer: I actually haven’t gotten 100lbs of tomatoes from my experiment but I did see a difference in growth. The ones in the special bed did grow much taller and produced more. Unfortunately I was gone so much last summer that I had a terrible time keeping the garden pruned and cared for. This resulted in other factors that played into the equation. I want to try it again though and see if I can do it while taking care of the plants properly. I’ll keep all my updates posted on this page!

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