The Ultimate Food for Your Garden: What the Fertilizer Companies Won’t Tell You

Tell me what kind of “foods” you like to use to build up your soil and please go over and like my facebook page (it’s a great way to stay connected).


  • katrina

    Reply Reply February 1, 2014

    Hi Paul ,I have viewed your helpful gardening tips. I want to start a garden and I wanted to sign up for your class but I didnt know if you discuss or even recommend squarefoot gardening. I have an acre of land but we back up to a cornfield that uses gmo and pesticides and I didnt know if i should sow the land or do raised beds. Do you recommend or have advice for raised bed gardening?

  • Paul

    Reply Reply February 2, 2014

    Hi Katrina,

    Thanks for your note. In the course I don’t specifically address squarefoot gardening but I do think it can be a very good method for laying out a home garden. And really, what I cover in the course can be implemented in a squarefoot garden very well. Hmmm… about the land next to you – I’d suggest putting your garden away from the GMO corn if at all possible. I do share how to make raised beds in my course and will be making a second course specifically on growing in small spaces which would include much more about raised beds. Personally – unless there is a really good reason I’d choose to sow the land itself rather than build the raised beds.

    There’s just a few thoughts – I’ll email you and would be glad to help you figure out what would work best for you. 🙂


  • beautyclinics

    Reply Reply December 1, 2014

    My garden soil was so dry and light colored, i grew potatoes in it and it became much better, i don’t know if thats the potato’s effect or not.

    • Paul

      Reply Reply December 1, 2014

      Thanks for sharing! That’s great. I haven’t heard of that before but it’s neat to hear about your experience!

  • lxbfYeaa

    Reply Reply February 17, 2025


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