The company we used to use no longer provides soil testing. A new training for this section is coming soon!


Soil Amendment Companies

Peaceful Valley (California)
Planet Natural (Montana)
7 Springs Farm (Virginia)

General Soil Amendment Recommendations

NOTE: These soil amendment recommendations are only general guidelines for those who have not had a professional soil test done and should be treated as such. Please use with care.

Initial application (applied prior to year 1)

For a soil initially of low fertility:
150 lbs/100 sq. ft. of compost or manure
10 lbs/100 sq. ft. of soft rock phosphate
10 lbs/100 sq ft. of greensand

For a soil initially of medium fertility:
100 lbs/100 sq. ft. of compost or manure
7 lbs/100 sq. ft. of soft rock phosphate
7 lbs/100 sq ft. of greensand

For an initially fertile soil:
50 lbs/100 sq. ft. of compost or manure
5 lbs/100 sq. ft. of soft rock phosphate
5 lbs/100 sq ft. of greensand
In all cases add sufficient limestone to maintain a pH of 6.5

Maintenance application (applied in years 2, 6, 10, and so on)

2.5 lbs/100 sq. ft. of soft rock phosphate
2.5 lbs/100 sq. ft. of greensand
Limestone as required
(Not necessary if a soil test indicates P, K, and trace minerals are adequate.)

Maintenance aplication (applied every other year)

50 lbs/100 sq. ft. of compost or manure

Credit: These general recommendations are adapted from those given by Eliot Coleman in his book the The New Organic Grower page 109.